Square Ball was born because when I was coaching teaching players how to pass the ball correctly was a nightmare. A lot of ball chasing, passing, and shooting with both legs and you throw in 3 dedos(toes). Imposible! After trying all the gadgets out there with limited success and a lot of ball chasing, I thought there has got to be a better way, so I thought is there a sport that uses both left and right equally? Aha !boxing! so a brought the punching bag to the ground. Now that a patent was issued here and Europa. It is available for all soccer players.
That is what happens when you don’t practice with a square ball
Art Of The Pass
Is acquired when you use squareball slowly almost like a robot. Plan, right foot side of bag, strike three steps back slowly plant left foot side of bag strike.
Muscle Memory
Retraining your old habits when I say retraining. It is your legs, your mind, and body. Confidence in your game is knowing you have the ability to pass and shoot in front of goal in the middle of the field with both legs. Squareball!!
When you get your technique you start on strength caution don't hit it to hard, work your way up 1 technique, 2,3,4 strength 5,6,7 starts with power in your passing don't jump steps
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Training With Squareball
- Important !Warm up! Start slow, three steps back, three forward. Support leg, land where indicated strike, robot like
- Work on technique, slowly both legs
- Don't proceed until you have technique down, separate player if necessary
- Two players per bag
- Three to five minutes to start per session (coaches discretion)
- Move to passing with regular ball again work on technique, important slowly. Both legs.
- Repeat steps 1-6 same speed or faster keep in mind technique. Again coach discretion.
- Shooting with both legs should only be done when you can pass with both legs. Coaches' discretion also same with 3 dedos.
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We are available Monday - Saturday from 7am - 7pm. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours. 805-873-3062
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Need to contact us? Just send us an e-mail at: soccerssquareball@gmail.com